- Enhancing / Improvement in productivity / production of blast furnace & Reduction in cost of hot metal production of blast furnace. (Fortunately we have special group of highly qualified engineers of over 35 years of experience in this field.)
- DRYING OUT of refractory of stoves and its initial heating up to 1200 (˚C) strictly maintaining and close monitoring the heating schedule, of all types of STOVES. (Russian, Hoogoven Design, Kalugin Shaftless Stoves etc.)
- DRYING OUT of Blast Furnace, Hot Blast Main, Bustle Main, Draught Chimney, Dust Catcher, by hot blast strictly according to the drying out schedule of the furnace.
- Preparing Start-Up and Commissioning PROTOCOLS / SOPS.
- Holding the stoves at hot condition, in case of delay in Blast Furnace commissioning.
- Cooling down of single stove for Medium and Capital Repairs in running furnace condition with others stoves, taking all the safety steps to facilitate the men to work inside the stoves after completion of the cooling at required minimum temperature.
- Inspection and adjustment of different valves in gas lines, air lines, cold blast lines, chimney valves etc.
- We can assist in sequential test of stoves valves to run the stoves in different phases, like On Gas, Separation, On Blast, Back Draught Phases, smoothly before the initial heating.
- We can do the Pressure Testing of Stoves, Cold Blast Lines, Gas Lines, Hot Blast Main, Bustel Main and Blast Furnace before the start of the heating.
- Assisting / solving any other operational, maintenance problems of Blast Furnace / Stoves etc.
“Blowing Out and Blowing In” of Blast Furnace is a very complex operation in nature and risky job. It can be carried out very carefully and after so many preparatory jobs and preparing special blowing out and blowing in burdens.
We have participated and completed these complicated and risky jobs of almost all the Blast Furnaces of 2000 m³ useful volume at Bokaro Steel Plant successfully during our service tenure.
Fortunately our company has a special group of highly qualified, experienced professionals Engineers especially for this operation.
Training and Competency

- We provide Onsite / Offsite training to the Engineers, Operators, and Technicians for smooth operation and maintenance jobs of all type of stoves and gas lines to enhance their skill and confidence.
- We provide training to the operational people of the Blast Furnace to enhance their operational skills and confidence to face the Day to Day Problems Arising Out In Blast Furnace and their remedial measures / steps.
- We provide training to face the emergency situation in the Blast Furnace in case of Tripping of Turbo Blower Station, Power Failure, Stoppage of Water and steam supply etc.
- We provide training to stoves Engineers, Supervisors, Operators and Technicians on “RESCENT DEVELOPMENT IN BLAST FURNANCE STOVES TECHNOLOGY” for efficient utilisation of stoves and to save the energy by maintaining “HIGH HOT BLAST TEMPERATURE”.
- We provide training on how to work safely in Poisonous Blast Furnace Gas Area.
- We provide training on Gas Safety regarding different types of gases and their explosive mixture limits.
The company has a group of highly qualified professional Technical Experts Engineers, Supervisors, in the field of Blast Furnace and Stoves operations and maintenance of over 35 Years of experience.